Controls :

A/D - Move

Space - Jump

Left Shift - Dash

LMB - Light Attack, RMB - Heavy Attack


You play as Anya , a skilled warrior with great agility and excellent sword skills who has to fight her way through Raven and his men to get back to her home.

We noticed a bug where if the player dashes and jumps at the same time, it flies away, we are still working on it,  have fun playing the game and do drop a feedback!

All the art assets were outsourced:

Credits -

player character -

enemy AI character -

world -

final boss -

UI -

Unfortunately, we did not have time to add the audio :( , we will add it once the jam is over ! 

Published 11 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorsDaniel Ebenezer, Madara
GenreAction, Platformer
Tags2D, Pixel Art


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Great pick of Assets the Game was coherent. The movement of the main character  bit choppy and slow Adding air time and applying gravity a bit more will enhance the jump feel . Few Collision issues in boss fight .None the less Amazing work it has potential to become even more finer.

Thanks for playing! Planning to work on it once the jam finishes to fine tune the settings and fix the bugs! Let me know if you can suggest some other features you would like to see in the game


I really love the Sprites for the character and Boss, very neat and very interesting. keep it up guys 

Thanks for your valuable feedback!


Love the game. Looking forward for an expanded version of this.

Thanks for your little help at the end of the game, will work on fine tuning the settings to make it a slightly better and polished version